Often, root canal therapy is the preferred treatments for patients who have an infected or damaged tooth. However, some people decline their dentist’s recommendation and decide to get the tooth removed instead. In some cases, this happens because an individual is concerned about finances. In other instances, it occurs because a patient has been influenced by the idea that root canal therapy can lead to cancer. Is there any truth to that notion, or is it merely a rumor? Do root canals cause cancer in Westborough? Read on below to find out why the answer is a resounding no.
Why Do Some People Think that Root Canal Therapy Causes Cancer?
In the 1920s, a dentist named Dr. Weston Price started to suspect that root canal therapy could adversely affect patients’ health. He set out to investigate his idea and conducted a series of experiments. He came to the conclusion that root canal therapy can leave toxins in the body. Those toxins, in turn, lead to a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and more.
The results of Price’s research have influenced generations of patients. Many people — surprisingly, even a small percentage of dentists — think that root canal therapy is a major risk factor for cancer and other life-threatening conditions. However, it is important to remember that, under close scrutiny, Price’s conclusions simply do not hold up. In fact, his research was deeply flawed.
Do Not Believe the Myth
There are three major reasons why you should not buy into the notion that root canal therapy can cause cancer:
- There has not been a single modern-day study that has been able to duplicate the results of Price’s research.
- The conditions in Price’s experiments were poorly controlled.
- Price’s experiments were not conducted in a sterile environment.
The bottom line is that there is no empirical scientific evidence to indicate that root canal therapy can influence an individual’s risk of developing cancer. If someone is diagnosed with cancer after dental treatment, that is nothing but a sad coincidence.
Risks and Benefits of Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy does not cause cancer, but it does come with some minor risks. For example, there is a small chance that a posttreatment infection will occur. There is also the possibility that root canal therapy will not be successful, which can lead to the need for retreatment down the road.
Fortunately, the rewards of this treatment far outweigh the risks. A successful root canal can prevent the need for an extraction, end a debilitating toothache, and help you save money on future dental care.
There are lots of factors that can contribute to cancer, but root canal therapy is not one of them. To learn more about this treatment, talk to a qualified dentist. They will be happy to answer your questions.
Meet the Practice
All Dental in Westborough is home to a group of dentists who provide high-quality care in a welcoming environment. Root canal therapy is among the many services that we offer. To learn more about it, contact us at 508-217-7265.